Commissioning in Indonesia
Commissioning is fun! All work prior to this had one single objective; enabling to produce better/safer/more reliable. This time CoNet was involved in a special commissioning project; we were conducting it in Indonesia!
The relationship between Royal Duyvis Wiener bv and CoNet is a long-term one. Thus, that we were allowed this task was not a huge surprise. The scope of the project was well divined; Commission two new grinding lines and two new presses, configure all hard- and software and use the current operating Citect SCADA system to integrate the new process entities. A challange we like.
The mission was carried out with the support of local engineers. All electrical components were subjected to testing and also the software control was tested and optimized. Our past experience with Duyvis and its process design were paying off. The end result is a responsive system. All project objectives and deadlines were met.