DOW Terneuzen – cooling tower overhaul

DOW Terneuzen – cooling tower overhaul

DOW Terneuzen - cooling tower overhaul At DOW Terneuzen, the process control of a cooling tower was due for a complete overhaul. CoNet was asked to engineer the process to meet contemporary standards.  Furthermore, the possibility to generate alerts via SMS or email...

DuPont waste water treatment project.

DuPont waste water treatment project.

As a System Integrator, you like your project involvement to start in an as early as possible stage. So, when DuPont asked us to participate in the drafting stage of the functional design of their waste water treatment control systems,  we were eager to join in. In...

LASS Anti Surge Control in PCS7

LASS Anti Surge Control in PCS7

The company Linde Gas is part of the Linde Group. With over 600 branches and sixty thousand employees in more than one hundred countries, the Linde Group is a major player in the supply of industrial gases. In the Netherlands, Linde Gas has two production sites, in...

DMV enhances her grip on quality

DMV enhances her grip on quality

DMV enhances her grip on quality "Quality assurance and monitoring of all process components" is more than a stringe of words to Veghel based DMV. The project to automate the new WPC plant was awarded to the combination Van Dooren Engineers & CoNet Rotterdam. A...

Collaboration CoNet and VX Company – Partners in IT

Collaboration CoNet and VX Company – Partners in IT

CoNet and VX Company have entered into a long-term collaboration in the field of software development and management. "We have always made tools en developed applications and implemented them successfully with clients," says Eric Bakker of CoNet. "But everyone did it...

CoNet, supporter of Brewery De Moersleutel

CoNet, supporter of Brewery De Moersleutel

Most people know what crowdfunding is, but beerfunding? Yes, it does exist! Brewery De Moersleutel from Alkmaar wanted to expand and created a beer fund promotion to make that happen. Beer, beer engineers, beerfunding; it sounded like music to our ears. No doubt CoNet...

CoNet lifts HVC’s Warmtenet to the next level

CoNet lifts HVC’s Warmtenet to the next level

The contractor HVC is the largest non-commercial waste collector in the Netherlands. The construction of the new modern waste energy plant with energy recovery in Alkmaar was the start of the utility company. That's over 25 years ago. During that time, the waste...