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DMV enhances her grip on quality

Home 5 Project 5 DMV enhances her grip on quality

“Quality assurance and monitoring of all process components” is more than a stringe of words to Veghel based DMV. The project to automate the new WPC plant was awarded to the combination Van Dooren Engineers & CoNet Rotterdam. A major project involving URS , FDS , TDS and finally the the actual implementation!

Monitoring of each individual step in the various processes was needed. Including a requirement that the communication with the CIP plant was optimal; each new step in the process flow meant that the corresponding cleaning cycle was executed and finished prior to processing. Contamination between various product was not allowed!

CoNet developed a solution based on the S88 programming structure, leading to  a soltution that remains easy to maintain and open to fiture developments and enhancements. CoNet was able to use DMV’s existing libraries, which meant that process visualization is similar in all other DMV sections. Welcome bonus was that productivity was increase as production now can actually run in parallel. A beautiful bonus for a beautiful job !