The contractor HVC is the largest non-commercial waste collector in the Netherlands. The construction of the new modern waste energy plant with energy recovery in Alkmaar was the start of the utility company. That's over 25 years ago. During that time, the waste...
CoNet Consultancy – The Dutch National Opera & Ballet knows how to handle it!
CoNet’s knowledge is not used for the realization of technical solutions alone. Sometimes a client wishes to use or opinion or expertise in order to put together a tendering document. Such was the case with the Amsterdamse Muziektheater. The controls for the technical...
Commissioning in Indonesia
Commissioning in Indonesia Commissioning is fun! All work prior to this had one single objective; enabling to produce better/safer/more reliable. This time CoNet was involved in a special commissioning project; we were conducting it in Indonesia! The relationship...
CoNet, supporter of Brewery De Moersleutel
Most people know what crowdfunding is, but beerfunding? Yes, it does exist! Brewery De Moersleutel from Alkmaar wanted to expand and created a beer fund promotion to make that happen. Beer, beer engineers, beerfunding; it sounded like music to our ears. No doubt CoNet...
CoNet lifts HVC’s Warmtenet to the next level
The contractor HVC is the largest non-commercial waste collector in the Netherlands. The construction of the new modern waste energy plant with energy recovery in Alkmaar was the start of the utility company. That's over 25 years ago. During that time, the waste...
CoNet Consultancy – The Dutch National Opera & Ballet knows how to handle it!
CoNet’s knowledge is not used for the realization of technical solutions alone. Sometimes a client wishes to use or opinion or expertise in order to put together a tendering document. Such was the case with the Amsterdamse Muziektheater. The controls for the technical...
Commissioning in Indonesia
Commissioning in Indonesia Commissioning is fun! All work prior to this had one single objective; enabling to produce better/safer/more reliable. This time CoNet was involved in a special commissioning project; we were conducting it in Indonesia! The relationship...
CoNet, supporter of Brewery De Moersleutel
Most people know what crowdfunding is, but beerfunding? Yes, it does exist! Brewery De Moersleutel from Alkmaar wanted to expand and created a beer fund promotion to make that happen. Beer, beer engineers, beerfunding; it sounded like music to our ears. No doubt CoNet...
Hilton Meats – better and easier
Continuously and actively improving your production environment, quality and process management. Something the people at Hilton Meats in Zaandam know everything about. This time they expressed the wish to better manage recipe data, including the related parameters and...
HHNK – migration of burner control system
HHNK - migration of burner control system "Migrate the current process control systems in such a way that we gain insight into the whole process and specifically energy consumption, increase logging of process generated data and hopefully enable us to increase...