Innovative Integration of SIPROTEC 5 with PCS 7 | HVC Alkmaar

Innovative Integration of SIPROTEC 5 with PCS 7 | HVC Alkmaar

Expanding a plant can be a simple task, but we always want to make sure that it is done as efficiently as possible. Our client, HVC Alkmaar, is expanding and will soon have a new sludge drying facility that requires an electrical 10kV power supply. The current...

New Production Site | Holiferm

New Production Site | Holiferm

We at CoNet enjoy working with businesses that create new and innovative solutions. Therefore, we are glad to cooperate with Holiferm and help them build the best production capabilities. Holiferm has entered the market by creating green biosurfactants for...



In the age of digitalization, industries are inclined to create more efficient and value-driven processes. That is why we at CoNet, are always eager to test the latest state-of-art technologies within the industry. SIMATIC PCS neo is one of the latest innovations by...

IoT Box

IoT Box

We always seek to improve our services. We experiment and brainstorm until a new innovative solution to our customer pain points is found. Therefore, we proudly would like to introduce you to our latest innovative solution - the IoT box. IoT box is a cloud-based...

Simulated Lemonade Factory

Simulated Lemonade Factory

The best way to learn is by gaining hands-on experience and having a visual representation of each activity. Therefore, our Lemonade Factory is a great innovation for engineers to test-run ideas and an environment for interns and young professionals to learn more...

CoNet Cycling Tour 2022

CoNet Cycling Tour 2022

What a ride! We have reached the finish line of the 12th CoNet Cycle Tour edition. This year the 100 km ride took all the participants throughout the beautiful South Holland area. The weather was sunny and the wind helped the participants on their way. Sunshine...

CoNet SMART Academy

CoNet SMART Academy

At CoNet, we pride ourselves on innovative solutions and ideas. Smart Academy is one of them! The Smart Academy training has provided excellent knowledge to our customers and great joy to us, seeing them excel. Why SMART? CoNet Smart Academy is customized training for...

Purmerend Migration | HVC

Purmerend Migration | HVC

We enjoy a project that makes our brain cells glow! The Purmerend migration project is just that. We first started working with HVC on their Middenmeer plant. HVC Purmerend is a comparable plant when it comes to process highlights. So, we were excited to receive the...